
Saturday, October 27, 2007


There's a lot more to beauty than the skilful application of make up. Eyeliner doesn't give you beautiful eyes. It merely enhances what you already have.

And a lot of what you have comes from within. The mind- body connection in beauty is amazing. Why do some people with good features and excellent skin still lose out to others who are not so perfect? It's their inner beauty that's lacking. External beauty is about features and make up. Inner beauty is about charm, appeal and the ability to captivate.

If you don't work on your inner beauty, you're likely to lag behind in a world where personality matters.

Remember, with no inner glow, no amount of make up can make you beautiful. An inner glow lets your real beauty shine through.

Isn't it time you paid attention to what really matters?

Did you know…?

Frowns cause wrinkles, and add a stressed look to your face. It makes you a prickly creature.

Smiles light up your eyes and add a welcoming glow to your face. You blush a little with every genuine smile.

Your eyes reveal your inner thoughts. They're the windows to your soul. Discard toxic thoughts - they distort your features. Let the light within reflect in your eyes.

A calm mind depicts a serene beauty. Turbulent thoughts flaunt themselves in your face, posture and gesture. Attract people with your poise.

Self-esteem helps you stand straight (beautiful posture) and look people in the eye while you talk. You do not slouch or have shifty eyes or mumble. Confidence certainly makes for a more beautiful picture.

Happiness attracts people like nothing else can. Be happy and you'll find people flocking to you. Your positive aura acts like a magnet.

Depression and sorrow does diminish appeal. People will keep away. Just like your happiness enlivens them, your depression will pull them down.

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